Friday, August 6

8th Year and Still Going Strong

Dear Friends,

5th august is the day I got married and it is the most wonderful and memorable day of my life. 2010, 5th August is the 8th anniversary of our wedding and I am proud to say we are still going strong, every new day is a new begginning of our life and I am happy to say that our love grows by the day and our understanding between one another rooted deeper and deeper.

There are days when we are filled with sadness and sorrows, but, with the faith and trust we build around one another we can overcome all obstacles that can shake our married life.

We are blessed with a son, he's now 6 years and reading in class 1. Luckily his birthday coincide with India's Republic Day. Every Year all Indians celebrate my son's birthday.

Wednesday, August 4

- Get Him, Take the First Step, and Don't Let Him Go Away from You

Often in marriage, only one partner looks for sex, only one takes the initiative. Generally, women who have problems in this area leave their husband to make the first step. It is frustrating for a man to look for it all the time without seeing any interest from his wife. Do not be like a log in bed, Take the first step and don't let him go away from you.

• Sex needs creativity, and good imagination. Sometime it is good to change your environment, this can give a new dimension to your sexual life.

• Surprise your husband with your creativity and styles, get him with your body, deceive him with your eyes, don't just spread out, do something different. Your partner can be annoyed with a missionary position every time you have sex. Try to be creative, get your husband wild with the way you handle lovemaking. The more you enjoy sex the more closer you will be.

• Remember, God created us as normal people, and sex is one of the blessings he has for us. Sex is more about giving and it is a wonderful thing when we give love, and have a special time alone with our partner. Do not allow your feelings and emotions to destroy this wonderful relationship between you and your partner. Don't let him go to seek a greener pastures, get him now and save your marriage.

• When you have sex as a daily routine, with the same styles and emotions there is little enjoyment and no satisfaction. It is time you use your imagination. Be creative practically; think of things that you can do to rejuvenate it like wearing a new sexy nightgown, a new perfume, a dim light in the room or anything that you can think of to start afresh. If you cannot do it by yourself ask your partner for help, he will be more than willing to help you because it is important for both the partner to enjoy sex equally.

Be a change today, change your outlook towards sex, and do not let your partner go away from you due to frustration from taking the first step, understand the goodness of sex that was created by God.

If you are helpless or want to learn more and have a better sexual life you may

Sunday, August 1

The sacred institution of marriage is under serious threat today. Many adverse elements gain momentum and popular acceptance, attacking and destroying many a married couple and families.
Marital life is sometimes difficult to handle, we face problems and challenges. When a small issue between a couples is not resolve in time it can spoil the trust in a relationship. Quick and timely resolving of minor differences and growing conflicts will help couples progress forward. It is an uphill task for some couples to manage a family.

To overcome marital conflicts and other problems check the website


Thursday, July 29

Save your marriage- through Dialogue, start Talking again

Remember the times when you talk nonstop over the phone, a meeting with so many things to say and believing life would go on that way smiling and talking. You got married. Soon, the moment you enjoy together talking and chatting decline by the day with more pressure to work and earn more money. You have reached the stage where you need to do something to save your marriage. Start talking again.

With more work and less time together couples speak less to each other, and sometimes they meet only at the weekend because of the lack of time. Unfortunately, months pass by, they take their own way, and communication loses its place inside the house, so the fruit in this marriage is not happiness, dialogue, pleasure, friendship or smiles, but sadness coldness and a tedious relationship.

The more you talk less and less to each other the more self priorities is given the first chance which creates more misunderstanding between the two. If you want to save your relationship and wish to last for a long time you will have to put your individual priorities, pleasures and personal friends aside. You need to give your marriage the first priorities after every other thing. Start talking again sweet.
There are couples who were so busy that at the end the marriage broke out because they had no time for each other. The key to overcome this pressure is to give up individualistic desires and ways of life. If you really want to save your marriage you should start to talk more to each other again.

The 3 keys to overcome pressure and rescue communications in your relationship you should:
1. Slow down reducing extra activities
2. Spend more quality time with your partner
3. Make a list of priorities together.

In order to earn more many couples are killing their marriage working extra time and having no quality time together to share their experiences of their married journey life together.

If you want to make your relationship strong and in the process of saving your marriage and cannot start again with that chatting, talking on every subject nonstop, laughing all the way, you should start by reviewing the above mention points to ponder.

Monday, July 19

A Good Communication is the key Save Your Marriage Today

We are fortunate to live in a world where communication is just the click of a button away. Bygones are the day when telegrams and post are the only means of communication. Many men have spent thousands of hours and lots of money to enable us to unite with somebody from one side of the planet to the other. However, the sad thing is that many people are losing communication with the one who are closest to them, like their partner. They give more time communicating with their colleague or business partner.

Many couple living under the same roof has this problem communicating with each other. They spent more time with their cell phone or the internet and lost interest in talking to the person who is close to them. When there is less communication in a relationship the first thing we see is sentences are interrupted before they are finish, a lot of misunderstanding appear in the conversations, the tension gets so high that you have no patience for your partner to finish and explode before understanding what your spouse wants to say. When both did not listen to each other, it hurts and it stays in the mind for a very long time.

Where there is no respect and humility there is no patience to listen. If you are therefore living this sad reality in your marriage, please start to change today, a good communication can be term as the strongest bond in a relationship.
Start learning how to listen, give time to express until the end, understand what your partner wants to say, do not interrupt in the middle even if you do not agree, wait until the end of the dialogue and then only express your point of view.

Tuesday, July 13

Kill That Silence to Save Your Marriage Today.

Silence can kill your relationship and bring many scars into it but a good conversation can heal a broken heart. A merry heart pours out sweet words from her mouth and can kill the disease of silence inside the house. IF your partner is a non talking partner it could be like living with a statue, how long can someone bear that kind of a relationship? Kill that silence today and save your marriage.

Some couple didn’t talk to each other but when they are with their own group of friends they are the one who talk the most, who crack jokes or bring out new interesting subjects. Friends love them; they are even good at solving problems of others as well. But, no good conversation happens in the house, they are like strangers. When there is little or no conversation between couples you are slowly poisoning your relationship.
Understand the basic principles of a good relationship, one that will allow you to live well and happily, prospering in all areas of your life.

 Instead of finding faults, focus more on the qualities of your partner in your daily life.
 Every human has different nature and all of us have different qualities.
 No human being is perfect therefore it is difficult to work out our differences.
 It is always easier to see shortcomings of our partner, try to learn to see the good qualities.
 Think before you speak, choose your word carefully as it can hurt your partner.
 A powerful medicine that heals a broken relationship is FORGIVENESS
 Your partner is in need, try to understand and supply them with love and care.

Some people felt it no need to talk much in the house, we live under one roof, sleep in one bed and dine in one dining table, and we understand each other very well. When this happens as a daily routine with no proper conversation you are on the road to a broken relationship. You might not be the type who speaks much but it’s entirely your decision to speak or no to speak. To save your marriage, a man should start speaking in the dining table by appreciating the dishes prepared by your wife. And a woman can start by preparing the favorite dishes of her husband (most man break the silence and start talking especially when they eat their favorite dishes), see off your husband with a hug and kiss while going for work.

You are not alone; this is the problem of millions of couples. You can rediscover the good old’ time and save you marriage today.

Monday, July 12

Save Your Marriage with Humor and Joy

It’s been quite some time now since you didn’t see your partner smile, laugh out loudly, show you a funny face to make you smile, didn’t crack jokes and you know there is something wrong on the way. When there is no more laughter, there is no joy and peace. When there is no joy and peace in the house a crack begins to appear in a relationship and the end result is a broken marriage. Therefore save your marriage with humor and joy today and bring back that laughter.

When did that laughter disappeared? Why did it disappear? How did it disappear? This may be a question you’d been asking yourself over and over. Or why are we having less and less humor? To begin with; We live in a fast world where competition is stiff; pressure to live and lead a life like our neighbor is high, we have tons of work to finish before sunset, we burden ourselves with unfinished job as if tomorrow never comes. But, the stress and irritability is causing many people to sickness like cardiac problems, hypertension, insomnia and anxiety. Before these sicknesses befall you, catch up with humor and bring back joy in the family.

A healthy household needs lots of joy, good humor, smiles, amusement and quality time together. If you cannot bring back those humor buy some joke book, read with your partner, try to laugh out loudly, it seems funny but it helps, it helps in bringing back the smiles in your cheek, it also helps in releasing your tensions. We have become so serious in life, without showing a smiling face; we lost the taste of life and we become getting old so fast. Believe me some people look much older than their age; they are usually people who did not smile.

Be a warrior to save your marriage, fight till you win the battle to bring back joy in the family, use the weapon of humor, everybody loves good humor and you know what kind of humor your partner appreciate. It may be hard but it is too precious to save your marriage just by being humorous.

Click on the link HEREto discover the true humor and joy in your marriage.