Tuesday, July 13

Kill That Silence to Save Your Marriage Today.

Silence can kill your relationship and bring many scars into it but a good conversation can heal a broken heart. A merry heart pours out sweet words from her mouth and can kill the disease of silence inside the house. IF your partner is a non talking partner it could be like living with a statue, how long can someone bear that kind of a relationship? Kill that silence today and save your marriage.

Some couple didn’t talk to each other but when they are with their own group of friends they are the one who talk the most, who crack jokes or bring out new interesting subjects. Friends love them; they are even good at solving problems of others as well. But, no good conversation happens in the house, they are like strangers. When there is little or no conversation between couples you are slowly poisoning your relationship.
Understand the basic principles of a good relationship, one that will allow you to live well and happily, prospering in all areas of your life.

 Instead of finding faults, focus more on the qualities of your partner in your daily life.
 Every human has different nature and all of us have different qualities.
 No human being is perfect therefore it is difficult to work out our differences.
 It is always easier to see shortcomings of our partner, try to learn to see the good qualities.
 Think before you speak, choose your word carefully as it can hurt your partner.
 A powerful medicine that heals a broken relationship is FORGIVENESS
 Your partner is in need, try to understand and supply them with love and care.

Some people felt it no need to talk much in the house, we live under one roof, sleep in one bed and dine in one dining table, and we understand each other very well. When this happens as a daily routine with no proper conversation you are on the road to a broken relationship. You might not be the type who speaks much but it’s entirely your decision to speak or no to speak. To save your marriage, a man should start speaking in the dining table by appreciating the dishes prepared by your wife. And a woman can start by preparing the favorite dishes of her husband (most man break the silence and start talking especially when they eat their favorite dishes), see off your husband with a hug and kiss while going for work.

You are not alone; this is the problem of millions of couples. You can rediscover the good old’ time and save you marriage today.


  1. Every human has different types of nature and all of us have different qualities also. The best medicine is sacrifice or forgiveness. Think lot before you speak, choose your word carefully as it can hurt your partner.

  2. Some of the great tip for happy life.
    Think before you speak, choose your word carefully as it can hurt your partner.
    A powerful medicine that heals a broken relationship is forgiveness.
